Thursday, June 3, 2010

Party here!!

Edit: All times are eastern times.

Edit: The party is being delayed until the 9th due to anniversary party tomorrow.

Edit:This party has been moved to July 12

There's been some last minute votes and I have to say, this was close! But with a 3rd vote for Sports, I contructed the Sports Party! I have 3 events. Here's the schedule.

June 9 & 10- Hockey-Red vs. Blue 5:30 6/9
Red vs. Green 7:00 6/10
Green vs. Blue 7:30 6/9
1st Place vs. 2nd Place 7:30 6/10

June 11,12 & 13- Baseball-Green vs. Blue 2:00 6/11
Red vs. Green 3:30 6/12
Blue vs. Red 5:00 6/12
1st Place vs. 2nd Place 8;00 6/12
Bonus Game: Winner vs Yellow 3:00 6/13

June 14, 15 & 16- Tennis-Green vs. Red 6:00 6/14
Red vs. Blue 7:30 6/15
Green vs. Blue 3:30 6/14
1st Place vs. 2nd Place 7:00 6/15
Bonus Game: Winner vs. Black 5:00 6/16

Have fun! And the party is on any server except non chat.


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