July 24-5-Summer Igloo Contest
August 18-29-Sports Igloo Contest
Scoring System
30 points- Creative, Original Idea, Color, Theme Related, At least 75 items in igloo
25 points- Mostly Creative, Mostly Original, Most is Theme Related, At least 60/65 items in igloo
20 points- Half is Creative, Half Original, Half is Theme Related, 50 items in igloo
15 points- Some Creativity, Not very original, Some is Theme Related, At least 40/45 items in igloo
10 points- Not Creative, 40 items in igloo
5 points- Not Creative, 35 items in igloo
Note: If I score you a 10 or 5, you don't win the contest.
Note: You need at least 35 items in igloo to be nominated.
Note: If you have at least 5/7 items that is out of theme, you are not nominated.
Note: If you have at least 5/7 items that is out of theme, you are not nominated.
For example, lets say an igloo is mostly creative and it's theme related with 43 items in their igloo. You'll get 5 points for being mostly creative, 10 points for being theme related and 2 points for having 43 items. That's 17 points, which is rounded to 15 points.
Another example is getting 62 items in an igloo, being creative, having color, and is half theme related. For having 62 items is 4 points, and being creative gives you 10 points and having color gives you 2 points. Then you get 2 points for half theme related. That's 18 points, which is rounded to a total of 20 points.