Thursday, July 9, 2009

Newspaper Is Out!!!

And no up coming events in this post, now I have an up coming events widget, so here are the updates,well, I'm telling you! The 101 Days of Fun for today is to make a store in your igloo and pretend your the best store owner in Club Penguin and sell furniture and more. I did that one at around February. That's cool, I'm doing it again! And igloo contest make up on next Saturday! And party is rescheduled to July 22nd! And they said the Sensei visit was a success! It sure did! For the whole weekend, the servers were packed,the Dojo Courtyard and Ninja Hideout was full! I almost met Sensei, I was on Frozen and Sensei was at the Ninja Hideout and when I tried to get in the Dojo and Ninja Hideout, the Club Penguin page exited out off of me and then I logged backed in and went to the Ninja Hideout and Sensei just left! And I'm excited for the Music Jam! There's still an all-access pass for members! And more newspaper updates later! And Tim4776 posted about the You Decide a shirt, and he said the Splatter was him and i's favorite, it's true! It's cool! And in fact, that shirt is winning! And bye for now!


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