Sorry for not posting in November. I thought November was boring and I made a rule to never post in November. So, I want you to know these things:
-The Winter Sports Competition is delayed from Today, December 5th, 'til January 3rd due to the play premiere, Mt. Snowy Magic, Christmas Party, and the New Years Celebration.
-New Years Celebration: Dec.31-Jan.2, Christmas Party: Dec.22-Jan.1, Mt.Snowy Magic: Dec.5-Dec.21.
That's all for now and the play updates later.
My site will give you cheats for Club Penguin, parties, and my own party updates. And we get to vote for Party of the Year and month (every 3 months: July,October this year)And games and contests! ~C-dog20~
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Igloo Wnners and more updates!
Hola amigos! Here are the first 11 igloo contest winners, and the next 9 will be announced tomorrow. Here are the winners.
Those are the first 11 winners! And today is the premiere of my new play called "Penguinwood Graveyard" The characters are:
The Evil Ghost (That's me)
The Reporter ( Camera and glasses)
The Pumpkin (Pumpkin head, orange shirt and sneakers)
Chester the Brave Penguin (Any kind of coat, glasses, scarf, blue sneakers, cap)
Narrator ( Does any kinds of sound affects in the play and says the events, any kind of clothing that you want.)
Those are the characters! And you guys can come up with any caption for the character that you want for the play! The play will end on November 13 and then the Halloween Party will resume. And here's a clue for November's Mystery Party. The clue is:
Remember today's catalog, and the party will be rocky and wet.
Bye for now!
Those are the first 11 winners! And today is the premiere of my new play called "Penguinwood Graveyard" The characters are:
The Evil Ghost (That's me)
The Reporter ( Camera and glasses)
The Pumpkin (Pumpkin head, orange shirt and sneakers)
Chester the Brave Penguin (Any kind of coat, glasses, scarf, blue sneakers, cap)
Narrator ( Does any kinds of sound affects in the play and says the events, any kind of clothing that you want.)
Those are the characters! And you guys can come up with any caption for the character that you want for the play! The play will end on November 13 and then the Halloween Party will resume. And here's a clue for November's Mystery Party. The clue is:
Remember today's catalog, and the party will be rocky and wet.
Bye for now!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Party Clues,
Sneak Peaks
Sunday, November 1, 2009
What I mean is that I got updates on the month of November. I thought of what I could do, and thought of something! I thought of that since I didn't post on Halloween, I could have a massive horror marathon from November 7 to the 23rd day on November. And I got a date for the beginning the the summer sports part of the Winter Games. Starting on February 26 to March 7, Football, Baseball, and Soccer will be in the Wintet Games. So, if you guys think of anything else, comment! Remember, the parties are not possible without you guys! And thanks Tim4776 for coming with ideas! And one last thing, if your wondering where Tim is, I gave him a vacation. I promised him he will post all day tomorrow. Bye!
November Events!
Sorry that I didn't post in forever! I was "infected" with the "Curse of 3" which is a curse for when I post on the 3rd of a month and then I don't post in forever. It happened in September and last month! So to make it up, here are some events I planned for this month and are fun.
-I extended the Halloween Party I'm having to Novmber 16 and I'm having a Halloween Igloo Contest that's going on till November 7.
-After the Halloween Party, I'm having another Mystery Party on November 17 and a hotel to relax at during the party on November 19.
-Starting on November 23 after the Mystery Party, I'm having the longest party ever! From November 23-March 7, I'm having a Winter Sports
Competition including Hockey, Rock climbing, Sking, and in late February to March 7, there will be Soccer, Baseball, and Football! But, some
days, I will have to shorten it due to other parties going on in December, January, and February.
Let me know if you guys can think of more things! Bye!
-I extended the Halloween Party I'm having to Novmber 16 and I'm having a Halloween Igloo Contest that's going on till November 7.
-After the Halloween Party, I'm having another Mystery Party on November 17 and a hotel to relax at during the party on November 19.
-Starting on November 23 after the Mystery Party, I'm having the longest party ever! From November 23-March 7, I'm having a Winter Sports
Competition including Hockey, Rock climbing, Sking, and in late February to March 7, there will be Soccer, Baseball, and Football! But, some
days, I will have to shorten it due to other parties going on in December, January, and February.
Let me know if you guys can think of more things! Bye!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Newspaper and Catalog!
Sorry for not posting for these things. Well, the catalog is cool! Here are the cheats!
1.Go to the Gift Shop
2.Click on the small mushroom near the ladybug costume in the catalog to get the Black Cape!
1.Click on the lantern above the fairy.
2.When you click on it, you will get the ghost Costume!
1.Go to the 3rd page
2.Click on the flipper of the wizard costume.
3.Now you have the black superhero mask!
Newspaper later, I need to think about what story to post for it. Bye!
1.Go to the Gift Shop
2.Click on the small mushroom near the ladybug costume in the catalog to get the Black Cape!
1.Click on the lantern above the fairy.
2.When you click on it, you will get the ghost Costume!
1.Go to the 3rd page
2.Click on the flipper of the wizard costume.
3.Now you have the black superhero mask!
Newspaper later, I need to think about what story to post for it. Bye!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Club Penguin Cheats!
Hey people! I'm posting on my iPod right now,so no pictures or videos, just cheats! Here are some cheats! 1.If you ate s ninja,you can use cloud wave bracers to disappear in the clouds. 2.So, this is obvious, there are hidden items in a catalog. The cling helmet is always a hidden it. That's all for later! Bye!
Oh, what the heck new episode!!
That's right! I'm changing the schedule a bit! Here's a new episode!
There it is people! Bye!
There it is people! Bye!
You Decide!
Hey people! Club Penguin is having another you decide thing! Your supposed to vote for a new stage costume for the new play in November. But I will post a picture on that topic. And to end the post, here's a Club Penguin cheat! 1.You, I mean ninjas, if you go near a black puffle it will go on fire. Bye!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
New Episode!
Here's a new video!
That's all for now! The next new episode is on October 3 I think. Bye!
That's all for now! The next new episode is on October 3 I think. Bye!
New Episode and episode dates!
So, here's a new video!
So here's the episode schedule:
August 15:Prom Night 8:30
August 30:Club Penguin Horror Story 2:30
August 31:Club Penguin Horror Marathon:Club Penguin horror story 2 7:30
Club Penguin Horror Story 3 7:35
Club Penguin Scary Movie Part 1 7:40
September 3:Prom Night Part 2 8:00
Prom Night Part 3:The Final Chapter 8:05
Late Night in Club Penguin 8:15
September 29:Club Penguin Horror Movie Part 1:A Deadly Beginning 5:00
Club Penguin Horror Story 4 7:15
October 6:Club Penguin Scary Movie Part 2 4:45
October 18:CP The Story of Star 8:00
October 31:The Night Killer 5:00
The Night Killer Part 2 6:00
Late that Night in Club Penguin 8:00
November 3:???????????????????? TBA
That's it for now! Bye!
So here's the episode schedule:
August 15:Prom Night 8:30
August 30:Club Penguin Horror Story 2:30
August 31:Club Penguin Horror Marathon:Club Penguin horror story 2 7:30
Club Penguin Horror Story 3 7:35
Club Penguin Scary Movie Part 1 7:40
September 3:Prom Night Part 2 8:00
Prom Night Part 3:The Final Chapter 8:05
Late Night in Club Penguin 8:15
September 29:Club Penguin Horror Movie Part 1:A Deadly Beginning 5:00
Club Penguin Horror Story 4 7:15
October 6:Club Penguin Scary Movie Part 2 4:45
October 18:CP The Story of Star 8:00
October 31:The Night Killer 5:00
The Night Killer Part 2 6:00
Late that Night in Club Penguin 8:00
November 3:???????????????????? TBA
That's it for now! Bye!
Dojo Almost done and Party info!
Yesterday, I forgot to tell you that the dojo is almost complete! When I wasn't posting, their was a volcano in Club Penguin and now it's just smoking.

Click it to see a larger view. And some new things adding on to the best Halloween ever in my igloo! But I want you to decide two things. Make that three. One, should I have an outdoor igloo or a jack-o-lantern igloo. Two, what kind of horror movie should I have on Halloween Night,
Prom Night(or Part 2 and 3)
Late Night in Club Penguin(2, or 3)
Club Penguin Horror Story(Parts 2,3,4 also could be voted for.)
And also, what should the next Club Penguin Horror episode be? Look at the old poll to look. Bye for now and see ya at Halloween!

Click it to see a larger view. And some new things adding on to the best Halloween ever in my igloo! But I want you to decide two things. Make that three. One, should I have an outdoor igloo or a jack-o-lantern igloo. Two, what kind of horror movie should I have on Halloween Night,
Prom Night(or Part 2 and 3)
Late Night in Club Penguin(2, or 3)
Club Penguin Horror Story(Parts 2,3,4 also could be voted for.)
And also, what should the next Club Penguin Horror episode be? Look at the old poll to look. Bye for now and see ya at Halloween!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Club Penguin Horror,
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sorry People!
Hola people! Sorry for not posting in forever! So I can'take up anything. So here's something for you. "To who is concerned, Hello kittens time for a haunt for your life! On October 17-21,come see the haunted tour of crosbycodys igloo! And see the second annual famous Halloween Party! It's from October 29-5! So come here to haunt your life!" That's right from the ad! And also before I pass, I'm posting on my new iPod Touch! Bye!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Fall Fair Comin' Up!
The Fall Fair is coming tomorrow and its going to be good! Especially with Rockhopper! And the member's Great Puffle Circus will be good! And tomorrow is my Mytery Party that you don't know. It might be a delay because of the amount of cash worth and the decorations. And here's new episodes. But tomorrow, I will include newspaper.
Part 3.
Here is one more new episode.
Bye for now!
Part 3.
Here is one more new episode.
Bye for now!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Club Penguin Horror,
Fall Fair,
Monday, August 31, 2009
Club Penguin Horror Marathon!
Here is episode 3. Tomorrow, 2 new episodes! But for now, here's episode 3.
Lets make changes. Part 3 right now an another episode then part 4 premiere tomorrow. Here's part 3 and another episode.
Another episode.
All for now. Bye!
Lets make changes. Part 3 right now an another episode then part 4 premiere tomorrow. Here's part 3 and another episode.
Another episode.
All for now. Bye!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
More and More Catchin Up Today!
Sorry for not posting forever. I've been SUPER busy! So here are some things to catch up on.
-Sport catalog came on Friday. No cheats.
-Fall Fair "cargo" at the lighthouse. And Fall Fair on September 4-13. And Rockhopper is also coming that day.
-Underwater Adventure came to the stage on August 21. And The Penguins that Time Forgot is coming on September 11.
-Penguin Style on September 4 and came on Around August.
-Missed newspapers. But I can't do anything about it.
-Festival of Flight ended on August 20 since it was extended.
-Lots planned for me in September. September 1-3 scavenger hunts in my igloo all day. On September 4-15, is a Mystery party meaning you don't know the topic. And my Music Jam party on August 22-27 was a success. And since the Better Igloo catalog was construction, construction is at my igloo on August 29-3.
That's all for later, but first the beginning of Club penguin horror marathon. First, Club Penguin Horror Story.
Bye for now.
-Sport catalog came on Friday. No cheats.
-Fall Fair "cargo" at the lighthouse. And Fall Fair on September 4-13. And Rockhopper is also coming that day.
-Underwater Adventure came to the stage on August 21. And The Penguins that Time Forgot is coming on September 11.
-Penguin Style on September 4 and came on Around August.
-Missed newspapers. But I can't do anything about it.
-Festival of Flight ended on August 20 since it was extended.
-Lots planned for me in September. September 1-3 scavenger hunts in my igloo all day. On September 4-15, is a Mystery party meaning you don't know the topic. And my Music Jam party on August 22-27 was a success. And since the Better Igloo catalog was construction, construction is at my igloo on August 29-3.
That's all for later, but first the beginning of Club penguin horror marathon. First, Club Penguin Horror Story.
Bye for now.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Club Penguin Horror Episode 1:Prom Night
Here's The moment you've been waiting for, Club Penguin Horror Episode 1. But sorry about not posting at 5:00. Here's Prom Night!
Tomorrow is Episode 2. Here's festival of flight cheats!
To get the Green Propeller Hat.
1.Go To The Plaza
2. On the bottom right corner, go to the box. And you have the new propeller hat!
Here's how to get the jet pack.
1.Go to the forest
2.Go on the balloon ride.
3.After about 2 minutes, you will arrive at the Tallest Mountain.
4. Go get the Jet Packs in the box. Now you have the jet pack!
Tell me how your liking the Festival of Flight! Bye!
Tomorrow is Episode 2. Here's festival of flight cheats!
To get the Green Propeller Hat.
1.Go To The Plaza
2. On the bottom right corner, go to the box. And you have the new propeller hat!
Here's how to get the jet pack.
1.Go to the forest
2.Go on the balloon ride.
3.After about 2 minutes, you will arrive at the Tallest Mountain.
4. Go get the Jet Packs in the box. Now you have the jet pack!
Tell me how your liking the Festival of Flight! Bye!
100 Hits!!!

Hello Penguins!
Today, I got a 100 hits! it took awhile because when my blog started, to many people didn't know about. Now people do because of the Panic Button and stuff. So tomorrow, I'm going to have a 100 Hits Party! Here's the info.
Place:My igloo as always(Crosbycody87)
Time:12:45 EST
Server:Big Snow
And the Music Jam are the same details as above only the date is on August 19th. And looks like Prom Night Part 3 is winning. So looks like I will close the poll now and and horror will premire on 5:00 EST Today and episode 1 is Prom Night. I should of mentioned that if a part 2 or something won, Part 1 would be the first episode. And on the same post, Festivel of Flight Cheats. Bye!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
New Poll!!!
As you see, I had a new poll about which of the videos was the best and you may select multiple answers. So far Don't Trust Me is winning. If a music video wins, I will make one that's the winning song. If a horror movie wins, I will begin episodes of Club Penguin Horror but I'm not making the videos, I'm posting them again. And the winning horror movie will be the first episode. Well here's a music and horror videos.
That's Miranda Cosgrove's About You Now. Here's a horror film.
Here's part 2.
Bye for now!
That's Miranda Cosgrove's About You Now. Here's a horror film.
Here's part 2.
Bye for now!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Music Videos!!!
Here are some music videos like the Final Countdown.
Good huh? Here's another one!
Sugar! One More!
I Got a Feeling! Bye for now and new Wordpress blog, Check it out. Bye!
Good huh? Here's another one!
Sugar! One More!
I Got a Feeling! Bye for now and new Wordpress blog, Check it out. Bye!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
More Videos!!!
Here are some more videos!
Here are some club penguin match ups like this is dodge ball! Go red!!!
Dang! The audience?! Oh well music video time!
More! Well, Later. Bye!
Here are some club penguin match ups like this is dodge ball! Go red!!!
Dang! The audience?! Oh well music video time!
More! Well, Later. Bye!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Ok, the Underwater Adventure Is a play?!
I can't believe it! The Underwater Adventure is a play?! Not a party?! They need to be specific next time! I got confused because of cool things this month! This was a quick post. But First, funny pics.

moar funny pictures
That's how I study!

moar funny pictures
Rolf! Bye for now!
moar funny pictures
That's how I study!
moar funny pictures
Rolf! Bye for now!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Saweet Newspaper is here!!!
The newspaper is awesome today! See the up coming events and here are the saweet news!!!
1.The Festival of Flight! It's going to rock woot! Gary found a way to replace, by making Club Penguin Island flat with hot air balloons, jet packs, super helium balloons, and propeller hats!

2.Aqua is the winner! Aqua is the winner guys!!! Sweet!
} catch(e) {}" href="">

That is sweet!arent.deselectBloggerIma

And here's the newspaper events!
parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

Sweet party and more! And I had a hard time moving codes so the codes are still part of the post! Bye for now!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Upcoming Events
Monday, August 3, 2009
More Scary Horror Films!!!
Hey, I found more videos and this is scary! Here it is!
That was Late that night in Club penguin. Here's another horror film!
That was the Night Killer! Here's Part 2!
That was part 2! Here is Late Night In Club Penguin 4!
Here are more videos!
Club Penguin Horror Story Here's part 2!
Here's Part 3!
Here is part 4!
That was the last part! Here are some music videos!
That's all for videos for today, but it will continue until August 14th! Bye!
That was Late that night in Club penguin. Here's another horror film!
That was the Night Killer! Here's Part 2!
That was part 2! Here is Late Night In Club Penguin 4!
Here are more videos!
Club Penguin Horror Story Here's part 2!
Here's Part 3!
Here is part 4!
That was the last part! Here are some music videos!
That's all for videos for today, but it will continue until August 14th! Bye!
Here Are Some More Videos!
Here is another horror movie. Did you ever watch "The Ring"? This video is like this where the guy in this video finds a tape and watch it watch it with a friend an receive a phone call saying 7 Days and stuff like that. Beware!
That's a good film! Here's part 2 of that video!
Also a good film. I like the part when the guy, theflame12 , says he never heard a penguin die or anything and then the news said 5,000 penguins died in a dangerous Ice Burg Tipping Party! Phunnies! It's only a 2 part video. Here's Club Penguin TV Episodes. My favorite is Episode 20! Here it is!
Phunnies! I will post more episodes later! Bye!
That's a good film! Here's part 2 of that video!
Also a good film. I like the part when the guy, theflame12 , says he never heard a penguin die or anything and then the news said 5,000 penguins died in a dangerous Ice Burg Tipping Party! Phunnies! It's only a 2 part video. Here's Club Penguin TV Episodes. My favorite is Episode 20! Here it is!
Phunnies! I will post more episodes later! Bye!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
More Horror Films!!!
Here are some more Late Night in Club Penguin Videos!
Also scary. here's part 3!
That's the scariest. here's another horror film!
Also scary. that's Prom Night Part 3. Here's part 1 and 2.
That was part 1. Bring a long part 2!
Also scary. here are some things relaxing. Music videos!
Pretty rockin! it's Don't Trust Me! Here is an other one!
My favorite song! Boom Boom Pow!!! Here is one more!
Day and Night! Thats also one of my favorite songs. And where is the club penguin ninjas!!! they're gone! The mirror, behind the box, everything! Bye til tomorrow!
Also scary. here's part 3!
That's the scariest. here's another horror film!
Also scary. that's Prom Night Part 3. Here's part 1 and 2.
That was part 1. Bring a long part 2!
Also scary. here are some things relaxing. Music videos!
Pretty rockin! it's Don't Trust Me! Here is an other one!
My favorite song! Boom Boom Pow!!! Here is one more!
Day and Night! Thats also one of my favorite songs. And where is the club penguin ninjas!!! they're gone! The mirror, behind the box, everything! Bye til tomorrow!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Club Penguin Horror,
Here's a Vid!
Hey guyz! heres a vid i found today. enjoy!
I'll post mor elater, and was that horror or what!? I will post Part 2 and 3 later. Bye!
I'll post mor elater, and was that horror or what!? I will post Part 2 and 3 later. Bye!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Mimo Party Weekend!!!(and more)

Hey Guyz! I heard Mimo777 is having a major party weekend for Club Penguin, Planet Cazmo, And Chobots! I wonder when he Club Penguin party will come this weekend. Just go on his twitter at to see when the CP party will come. Well the planet cazmo party is today and the chobots is tomorrow. And the new music names are Keytar Jam, Rocksteady, All-Access Pass, and Rocking Pizza. Thanks to my sister, I figured out the names, I mean, remembered it. That's all for now! Bye!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Paycheck came Early!?!?
What the heck just happen!?!? The paychecks came early! Whats up Club Penguin! Delayed newspaper and now early paychecks!?!? Club Penguin is getting weirder and weirder! And one for post today and tomorrows August! Bye for now!
Igloo Music Today!!!
The new igloo music is today, and it's members only! The music is pretty cool! But I will post the type the music later because I forgot the names of it. And I have to post pin and up coming events because the widgets are not working. The pin cheat is:
1.Log on to Club Penguin
2.Go to the Coffee Shop
3.Go on the Couch
4.That's where you will find the pin
The up coming events are:
August 7:New color and new Penguin Style
August 14-18:Underground Pool window replacement
That's all for now! Bye!
1.Log on to Club Penguin
2.Go to the Coffee Shop
3.Go on the Couch
4.That's where you will find the pin
The up coming events are:
August 7:New color and new Penguin Style
August 14-18:Underground Pool window replacement
That's all for now! Bye!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Upcoming Events
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Newspaper is here!

The newspaper is finally here and looks like the Penguin Tales has only one more week! Well, I'm an excellent writer, that's why I want to be an author when I get older. Anyway, there's news. Activate the news lights:
The windows in the Underground pool need replaced again, and Gary has new blue prints for that. he needs you from August 14-18. You know what happened the last time. They didn't get replaced and when the crab tapped on the glass 2 years ago, it cracked and flooded. That's also when the water party was born!
News over and back to, well, cheats, wait, these are cheats! And the Up Coming Events Widget has to be working about now. Well, bye, I guess. :)
Where is the Newspaper!?!?
Where is the newspaper guyz! I've been waiting all night and it's not here and it's Thursday! Maybe Aunt Arctic forgot? idk, and anyway, when is it going to come! I'm losing my mind here! Help me! jk! :) im just crazy guyz. its 3 AM in the morning and im crazy at this time. Tip:Don't visit my house at 3 in the morning! Or you will here the ultimate craziness of your life! Thats all till later!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Catchin' Up!!!

I have some catchin' up to do, I've been pretty busy lately and I couldn't post. First of all, the Music Jam ended a couple of days ago, and now there doing it permanently. Some time next week, we can play intruments at the stage at the Lighthouse and you can hear them again! And the new igloo music is on Friday. And you know the Panic Button Blog guyz, huh? Well, on July 27th,2 days ago, I got blog of the day! So lets hope my blog will get popular now. And the color vote ended yesterday and 2 days ago, I joined an Aqua Routing Party! It was at the mine and people had to dress blue. I wore a blue bass guitar,Shadow Guy cape, blue hockey jersey,blue sunglasses,The Spickster ,and black and white checkered shoes. So you can wear those stuff when you could have an Aqua Routing Party! And there were other parties at the mine that day. A Maroon and Lavender Routing Parties. But Aqua was the best. It had more penguins and many cheers! And the winner is announced in the newspaper next week. So, that's it, I guess. Bye!
PS Flowers are pretty! :)
Club Penguin Cheats,
Color Vote,
Music Jam,
Panic Button,
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Color Vote!!!
As you know people, the Color vote is taking place right now. And I think its a tough match between Aqua and Lavender. Lavender is winning and I know it! But vote for Aqua! Or Mimo will go crazy! To know why, go to:
Bye for now!
Bye for now!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Color Vote,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
New Band!!!
Hey, Tim4776 here! I commented and hour ago to ask C-dog what to post, and he said band. He created a band called"The C-dog Band"! You need to comment your username(for CP) like Crosbycody87. The band needs:
Singers: Drummer:
??? ???
Guitarists: Other:
??? ???
??? ???
And C-dog20 asks you guys, how do you make a movie, a horror one for Club Penguin? And the Music Jam changed. The Dock stage did! And the color vote is in the forest and that's all for now, but C-dog also told me about Mimo. Vote for Aqua and Mimo will change his color forever from Orange to Aqua! Bye!
Singers: Drummer:
??? ???
Guitarists: Other:
??? ???
??? ???
And C-dog20 asks you guys, how do you make a movie, a horror one for Club Penguin? And the Music Jam changed. The Dock stage did! And the color vote is in the forest and that's all for now, but C-dog also told me about Mimo. Vote for Aqua and Mimo will change his color forever from Orange to Aqua! Bye!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Vote Color soon and Party extend!
The vote color thing is comin' and the colors are: Lavender,Maroon,and Aqua. I think Aqua will win. One blog had a poll about the colors and Aqua won. I would vote Aqua too. And speaking of voting, the Splatter won a long time ago! Yay! And the party "extend" I'm talking about is my Music Jam! It didn't go well, so I'm improving it and the new Music Jam will be on Thursday July 23,2009 at 6:00 pm est on Snow Angel! And it will go on until July 28th! The party is now July 23-28! And the play Club Penguin is not ready! I got the code from the Panic Button Blog and I'm happy for them! The Panic Button Blog is really funny! In fact, I might post funny pics from my lolz on cheezburger! For now, bye!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Music Jam,
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I am Back and Music Jam Partying Time!!!
I'm back! My vacation was fun! I went to Ocean City,Maryland! And I have some catchin' up to do like the Music Jam! Better Igloos some time tomorrow and newspaper tomorrow. And the Music Jam is awesome! My favorite part is the roof and the back stage and the Battle of the Bands at the snow forts! I love red!! And the free item cheats are:
Green Headphones:Cove
Music"Radio":Night Club Roof(Member Item)
That's it and if the pin tracker isn't responding or whatever, I will post pin cheats! And a party make up will be on Monday at 6 PM on Mammoth at my igloo. It will be a Music Jam and Boom Boom Pow Party!!! In a new igloo in the igloo upgrades! And the cheats for the Music Catalog is:
Click on the "I" in Music for the Snare Drum and Drum Sticks,and click on the "some letter in Catalog" for the Black Electric Guitar.
Thats all for now. Bye!
Green Headphones:Cove
Music"Radio":Night Club Roof(Member Item)
That's it and if the pin tracker isn't responding or whatever, I will post pin cheats! And a party make up will be on Monday at 6 PM on Mammoth at my igloo. It will be a Music Jam and Boom Boom Pow Party!!! In a new igloo in the igloo upgrades! And the cheats for the Music Catalog is:
Click on the "I" in Music for the Snare Drum and Drum Sticks,and click on the "some letter in Catalog" for the Black Electric Guitar.
Thats all for now. Bye!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Free Items,
Hidden Items,
Igloo Upgrades,
Music Jam,
Friday, July 10, 2009
Ruby and the Ruby and Music Jam!!!
Ruby and the Ruby is here and Club Penguin is starting constructing for the Music Jam! Looks like same old! First, the Ruby cheats and a new pin:
1.Go to Page 4 and click on the door knob
2.go to the very last page and bring the top column or whatever down for the Noir Background
3.Click these things in order:File Cabinet,Trash Can,Book,Vase,Painting and click the safe behind it and get the ruby pin!
And about the Music Jam, looks like the places with construction are going to be same old. This is my only post of the day and no posting for the next 6 days because I need to leave for vacation tomorrow. And this is my 50th post! But a big celebration for when I get to 100 posts! Bye until Saturday!
1.Go to Page 4 and click on the door knob
2.go to the very last page and bring the top column or whatever down for the Noir Background
3.Click these things in order:File Cabinet,Trash Can,Book,Vase,Painting and click the safe behind it and get the ruby pin!
And about the Music Jam, looks like the places with construction are going to be same old. This is my only post of the day and no posting for the next 6 days because I need to leave for vacation tomorrow. And this is my 50th post! But a big celebration for when I get to 100 posts! Bye until Saturday!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Music Jam,
Ruby and the Ruby
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Newspaper Is Out!!!
And no up coming events in this post, now I have an up coming events widget, so here are the updates,well, I'm telling you! The 101 Days of Fun for today is to make a store in your igloo and pretend your the best store owner in Club Penguin and sell furniture and more. I did that one at around February. That's cool, I'm doing it again! And igloo contest make up on next Saturday! And party is rescheduled to July 22nd! And they said the Sensei visit was a success! It sure did! For the whole weekend, the servers were packed,the Dojo Courtyard and Ninja Hideout was full! I almost met Sensei, I was on Frozen and Sensei was at the Ninja Hideout and when I tried to get in the Dojo and Ninja Hideout, the Club Penguin page exited out off of me and then I logged backed in and went to the Ninja Hideout and Sensei just left! And I'm excited for the Music Jam! There's still an all-access pass for members! And more newspaper updates later! And Tim4776 posted about the You Decide a shirt, and he said the Splatter was him and i's favorite, it's true! It's cool! And in fact, that shirt is winning! And bye for now!
101 Days of Fun,
Club Penguin Cheats,
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
You Decide A Shirt!!!
Hey guys, Tim4776 here! C-dog20 told me to post about the decide a shirt. Here they are, and oh, he told be about images too:

Moon drop
Tux T
Splatter(C-dog20's and I's favorite!) Click them for larger view! And on Club Penguin on the post You Decide,you can vote on the poll, no the comments! Bye!

Tux T
Splatter(C-dog20's and I's favorite!) Click them for larger view! And on Club Penguin on the post You Decide,you can vote on the poll, no the comments! Bye!
Happy 1 Month Anniversary Blog!!!
Yep, that's right! This is the blog's 1 month anniversary since it was created. That means, the blog was created on June 8th. Can you believe how much the blog has changed in just one month!? Like the new widgets,mods,authors, and much more! And about the Music Jam, who agrees with me that the room will come at the Music Jam! Like, at the Music Jam last year, there was a new game there,DJ3K, so, do you think that this time, there will be a new room? Well, bye for now and Tim4776 will post later!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Music Jam,
Party Discussions,
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Party Reschedule!!!

I have to reschedule the party today. I know I missed it, but the party make up was around 7:00 and it didn't turn out so well. It was a Boom Boom Pow Party for the penguins who love and listen to Boom Boom Pow while on line in Club Penguin. When my party is made up on Thursday at 6:00 PM EST at Mammoth,penguins have to go to my blog, you know, this blog, and the new music player(followed by other new widgets?and the first song is Boom Boom Pow. And if you want a music player,go to And then they need to open a new window to Club Penguin and go to my igloo while Boom Boom Pow is playing, makes sense,huh? Bye!
Boom Boom Pow,
Club Penguin Cheats,
Music Jam Sneak Peak!!!
Here's a sneak peak for the Music Jam:Sorry no image/It still came out small,so my web pics will be small and you have to click it for a larger view. But the picture is like a huge band stage in the lighthouse. Wonder what it's supposed to be,can you guess?? My guess is that the Penguin Band will probably play there. Or the new room that I guessed. And Tim4776 will post later about some random thing while in about an hour from n ow, I post about the party that I'm having today, remember,the party at 1:30? Well, bye for now.
Club Penguin Cheats,
Music Jam,
Party Discussions
Monday, July 6, 2009
Igloo Contest Make Up!!!

Sorry about the igloo contest not happening on Friday, busy! And Tim4776 is now the new author, but still no posts during my vacation unless if I get really good authors to post like wally,Mimo,Dex Dude. The make up of the new igloo contest is this Wednesday! And the reason why Tim4776 is my author because he commented a lot and became a C-dog Mod and I figured out his e-mail, If you want to contact him, contact him at ,OK? And he even knows my labels! He has to be the blog's number one fan! And I have a feeling that the new room will come in The Music Jam! It might be a secret hideout of music and free items for members only! That would be awesome especially if the Penguin Band played there! What do you think? Bye! And don't forget my party tomorrow!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Igloo Contests,
Music Jam,
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Hello,I'm Tim4776!!!
Hi people! I'm Tim4776! I was invited by C-dog20 because I was commenting a lot he said and I was a C-dog Mod! So, I will be posting updates for C-dog20 but bot when he's on vacation he told me, he said no posting for 6 days! So, here are some Q's I want to asks u:
1.When's your penguin's birthday?
2.How old is your penguin?
3.What's your favorite party?
1.When's your penguin's birthday?
2.How old is your penguin?
3.What's your favorite party?
Club Penguin Cheats,
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Independence Day!!!

Happy 4th of July every one in America! This is my only post for the day because I'm going swimming all day to celebrate the 4th of July! And today is also Day 2 of Sensei's visit!!! Hurry up, and the new item in the catalog there was the Cloud Wave Bracers!!! There cool!! For now, bye!!!
4th of July,
Club Penguin Cheats,
Ninja Hideout,
Friday, July 3, 2009
Sensei Visits!!!

Sensei is at the Ninja Hideout today!!! Club Penguin is getting crowded and the servers are getting full because of this!!! And in fact, the 101 Days of Fun activity has to do with Sensei! And the Dojo Courtyard and Ninja Hideout is full! And Sensei was last seen on the server Frozen! Check there! And the Penguin Style Catalog is here and it's all Music Jam stuff like electric guitars!!! Here are the cheats:

On page 8, click the inside of the piano for the red viking helmet:

July 3-5 Sensei Visits(of course!)
July 3: Penguin Style(of course!)
July 10:Ruby and the Ruby(play!)
New pin:Today at the cave:Dojo Lantern!
And more pictures at cheezburger by me! And I couldn't wait to announce this, but the code meant that there's a party on July 10th at 1:30 at the server Northern Lights! But where? My igloo again! And Mimo777 had quikee parties all day! I missed it! And the Music Jam is coming on July 17th and for now, bye!
~ C-dog20~
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Funny Pictures on cheezburger!!!

I'm now posting funny pictures, but this is off topic because these are REAL life pictures! So, these stuff are not Club Penguin Cheats, they are Off Topic! Well, not posting picture! Go to:
It's really funny and you can go to other peoples lolz! And this is going to be the only post I can post today because I'm going to Kennywood all day! I love Kennywood! My favorite rides are the:
2.Phantom's Revenge
So bye!And no picture yet until tomorrow!
~C-dog20~PS Oh by the way, Sensei will be here tomorrow! I can't wait! But remember, you have to be a ninja!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
New Igloo Contest!

I'm having another igloo contest! I will judge your igloos on Friday and try to announce the winners on Independence Day or on Sunday. Of course there's 10 winners and 5 runner ups and the prize is to get your name on the site. And remember, I need authors! Comment me your Nickname,website,e-mail,and say something funny! Because I need posts from July 11th-17. Im leaving next week on Saturday to Friday July 17th. So, for now, plot your sentence,have an e-mail, have a site, and have a nickname like C-dog20! But don't copy! Laterz down the toilet!Good Bye!
~C-dog20~PS Moon on a stick! get your moon on a stick! It's a code! Uncrack it to figure it out. It does something about pa_ _ _e _! The answer awaits you on July 8th! And fireworks in the sky in CP today for Canada Day and Independence Day in America!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Igloo Contests,
Happy July!!!

It's now July, and two things to remember,The Music Jam is coming up this month, and I want to here guesses from you guyz of what the Music Jam would look like and what the free items would be and if there's instruments again! And also the 2nd thing is that next Saturday, T-dog and I are going on vacation, and I need new authors! Just give me your nickname, e-mail, website, and say something funny! On Wordpress, i'm making a new page about the Music Jam on:
soon! So, fr now, bye and happy July! And no picture yet! Laterz!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Music Jam,
Party Discussions,
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Welcome Spanish!!!

Hello Penguins!
I know I should of posted this yesterday, but I was super busy! So, welcome Spanish! Here are some Spanish words that can be used on Club Penguin:
Hello! -¡Hola!
Welcome! - ¡Bienvenidos!
Congratulations! - ¡Felicitaciones!
Waddle on! - ¡A pingüinear!
You're cool! -¡Eres genial!
So now there's French,Portuguese,English, and the new, Spanish! And yesterday, I moved to Wordpress! So if you want to know of 23 Days of Fun activities, go to:
But the real site name is:
And scheduled and recent parties are also on my site! And also Club Penguin Cheats! So, I'm done posting Club Penguin Cheats on here, so if you want to see some, go to:
And happy July for tomorrow! But no picture yet, I'm on the laptop and the laptop doesn't have the 4th of July Picture! But on Independence Day, I can't post to much, in fact, I might post because I'm going swimming all day, but I might post 1 in the morning if I get a chance, but if I don't, I will post next Sunday! Laterz!
23 Days of Fun,
4th of July,
Club Penguin Cheats,
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sensei Update!!!

Hello Penguins!
This is another Sensei update!!! I want to hear your guyz guesses of what Sensei will give to people when he meets you! I guess another background with him behind it with his autograph at the Ninja Hideout. Or maybe it could be his hat and beard and his color! That would be nice!!! So be ready for Sensei on July 3 through the 5th! And my new blog is about sports. My new blog is called and I didn't make new posts yet! Laterz!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Ninja Hideout,
Finally A Party!!!

I finally had my party last night! It started at 10:10 pm est and ended at 10:21 pm est! Since the party went great, here's another party at:
Date:Tuesday July 7th,2009
Time:6:45 pm est
Place:My Igloo still
Server:Big Foot
And since it's Independence Day week in America, I'm going to have 4th of July pictures on my posts, well one picture which is my cousin's,T-dog! And how's DJ3K going with ya guyz? Is it fun? I think it is fun! Is it cool? Or you don't like it? So, see ya later!and Go to once again to mimo!
4th of July,
Club Penguin Cheats,
Saturday, June 27, 2009
More Party Info and Club Penguin Cheats!!!

OK, I'm allowed on the computer again and I am going to ride bikes, so in case I'm not online at 6:00 PM EST,I will make up the party at:
Time:7:25 pm est
Server:Ice Box
Place:My Igloo still!
And be sure to go to to Mimo! Mimo already has over 2,000 comments on his post on the idea contest! I commented twice! And one Club Penguin Cheat! It is:
1.Talk while reading the newspaper:Log on to Club Penguin and go on the newspaper and click on "We need You!". Then click on the "questions" category and submit your question but don't type a question! Then on the top left corner of the newspaper, click on "main" that will take you to the main page. Then click "Tab" and type something and you will be talking while reading the newspaper!! But I forgot to mention that to see yourself talking, you have to go to the far left or right side of the room!
Laterz!!!! And see you at 6:00 or 7:25!!!
~C-dog20~PS Day 2 of 23 Days of Fun:Buy a Tree House igloo and make it a perfect hideout!!!
23 Days of Fun,
Club Penguin Cheats,
Party Update!!!

OK, I'm going to be kicked off the computer from 12:00 noon-5:00 PM EST! So, I'm going to cancel the party again, and make it up at:
Place:My igloo
Time:6:00 PM EST
OK and a new cheat is about puffles! I forgot to mention that yellow puffles can now play DJ3K! Because of that, I bought all the puffles!!! And I think I know why Yellow Puffles want to play DJ3K! Because DJ3K is art of making music! And Yellow Puffles love art!!! Is it true?Laterz!
Friday, June 26, 2009
DJ3K Catalog Is Here!!!
After long hours of this:
The DJ3K Catalog is here!!!! Here it is:
The tracks are Festival,Funky, and Jungle! I like Funky the best, don't you? To get the catalog, go to the Night Club to here:
Or to here:
Then after you buy the tracks(it costs 75 coins! It's cheap!),you choose one track to play by this photo will show you:
I love DJ3K now!!! It's awesome! tell me if you like it or not! And I thought it would be fun to do my own days of fun! 23 Days of Fun! Day 1:Dance and make music the night away! Play DJ3K with playing each record at least one time and play Dance Contest and throw a dance party at your igloo!!! Sounds fun, huh? And don't for get two things:My party tomorrow and the records you but can be held as an accessery! Laterz!
~C-dog20~PS Click on photos to get a full view!

~C-dog20~PS Click on photos to get a full view!
23 Days of Fun,
Club Penguin Cheats,
Igloo Upgrades,DJ3K,and Music today!!!! YAY!!!

The Igloo Upgrades are out today followed by DJ3K Music and Igloo Music! Here are the Igloo cheats:
1.Go to your igloo
2.Click on the "ruler"icon on the lower right corner of the screen
3.Click on the igloo icon
4.Go on page to on the Igloo Upgrades
5.Click on the crow bar on the upper right corner
NOW YOU HAVE THE SECRET STONE IGLOO! That's not a secret anymore!!Lolz!
1.Go on Page 7
2.Click on all 4 words that say"CANDY"
1.Go on Page 8
2.Click on the door on the Snow Deluxe Igloo
NOW YOU HAVE THE SECRET STONE DELUXE IGLOO!! Which is not a secret anymore!!!!
And don't forget to check out the DJ3K Music and Igloo Music!!! Laterz!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Igloo Upgrades,
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Igloo Upgrades Tomorrow!!!WOOT!!!!
The new igloo upgrades catalog is coming out tomorrow!!! So I want you guyz to guess what the igloo or carpet would look like! I guess the igloo will be a Waterfall Igloo! And the carpet would be a rock carpet!!!!! So before tomorrow, I want to hear guesses! And this is also followed by DJ3K Music and Igloo Music! And today,I forgot the 101 Days of Fun! It is to turn light blue and dance at the ice burg to make it look like it's sinking and water is coming upon the ice burg! Phunnies!!!!
And cool! Laterz! and go to to mimo!!!!!!!!laterz!
And cool! Laterz! and go to to mimo!!!!!!!!laterz!
101 Days of Fun,
Club Penguin Cheats,
Igloo Upgrades,
Winners and Party!!!

The winners of the igloo contest have been chosen by me!!!! here are the winners and runner ups!!
Tacky Forest
Runner Ups:Callex12
Those were the winners and runner ups and I had to miss my party again because I was off the computer for 5 hours so make up is on Saturday June 27 at 12:00 PM EST on the Server Mammoth at my igloo! Laterz for now!!!
~C-dog20~PS Go to to Mimo!!!!!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Igloo Contests,
New Newspaper! And WOOT to Sensei!!!!
The new newspaper is out today and Sensei is coming to the Ninja Hideout through July 3-5! And the Up coming events:
July 3-5: Sensei to Ninja Hideout!!!! WOOT!!!!! And looks like CP made a mistake about the pin! it's not shaped like a watermellon!!!! It's shaped like a lantern!!!!And I also forgot that Ruby and the Ruby is on July 10th!!! I love that play! It came like 3 days or something before my birthday last year!!! What I nice birthday present!!!!! Ha ha!! lolz! Laterz but I will post something on T-dog's blog later and post cheats on here and there! now laterz! and see you at the party today!!!!
~C-dog20~ps Click on picture for full size image!
July 3-5: Sensei to Ninja Hideout!!!! WOOT!!!!! And looks like CP made a mistake about the pin! it's not shaped like a watermellon!!!! It's shaped like a lantern!!!!And I also forgot that Ruby and the Ruby is on July 10th!!! I love that play! It came like 3 days or something before my birthday last year!!! What I nice birthday present!!!!! Ha ha!! lolz! Laterz but I will post something on T-dog's blog later and post cheats on here and there! now laterz! and see you at the party today!!!!
~C-dog20~ps Click on picture for full size image!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Ruby and the Ruby,
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Party Update and a treat!

OK, sorry for no party, I was swimming around 3:00! So make up is:
Time:2:00 pm est
Place:My igloo
Server:Ice Box
And here's a treat, a new CP Army! I made it up! It's called "Fire Army of Club Penguin(FACP)!
Uniforms:Red Sailor Cap,Red Hockey Jersey,Black and White checkered shoes,Red Cape(from Fairy Fables),Black Sunglasses(secret agent),and the color red! If you dont have those,wear red or green.
To join:It's simple! Just comment your Club Penguin name! Ranks:Leader,General,Soldier,Gold,Silver,and Newbie!
Club Penguin Cheats,
CP Army Updates,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Mod News!
WOW Guys! your commenting like crazy! And Tim4776 is already an "awesome mod". And good guesses on the room post and Tim4776,my cousin did drew that picture, how did you know! laterz!
~C-dog20~PS I make it simple to move up to higher mods! thats C-dog20 alright!
~C-dog20~PS I make it simple to move up to higher mods! thats C-dog20 alright!
More info on upcoming Events!
When T-dog posted about new rooms, I wanted to give it more info! Look at this:
This is the picture from Billybob,the first is like a volcanic mountain or something! I guess thats the new room location! The second is for Ruby and the Ruby and the last is a surprise guest at the Music Jam...THE PENGUIN BAND!!!!!! But about the first picture,its around the dojo area! Bye!Laterz!
~C-dog20~PS Remember to go to to Mimo!!!!!!!!!!!!

~C-dog20~PS Remember to go to to Mimo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Sneak Peaks,
Upcoming Events
New rooms!!!
I would like for you to meet T-dog!

T-dog is now posting with me! So sometimes, she will post and i will post! and here are 1 cheats!well cheat! here:
1.Easy sledding:simple guyz! after moving away from a log, go to the middle, thats it guyz!
And here are answers to my party clues so you can be there tomorrow! Place:my igloo,Time:3PM EST,server:Northern lights and Southern lights or Auroa or something! date,tomorrow! And go to to comment an idea that club penguin should have! so go there!!!! and help Mimo777!!!!! Bye!
~C-dog20~PS Igloo contest on thursday and i will judge by surprise and pick 10 winners and 5 runner ups! the prize is to get your ne=ame on this site! Bye! laterz!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Hello all! I just want to ask you a question... what was your favorite party in clubpenguin and how long have you been a member since? Ive been a member since 2007, and my favorite party since ive been a member has to probably be the Water Party!!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
I'm Back!

I'm back from very busy moments! I'm sorry for not posting a lot but I was SUPER busy guyz! And to late for upcoming events, but till telling you! New rooms! It is exciting! And new play coming soon, but long soon,Ruby and the Ruby! That's my favorite play! And new clothing wigs and furniture! Game Up Grades and the "MASSIVE Music festival" is obviously the Music Jam! So that's all guyz! Laterz!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sorry For No Cheats Again!
I couldn't post cheats yesterday because I had to go for a wedding all day! So cheats tomorrow, OK? And one more hint for the last party clue:Before:i_ _o_ ow_ _db_ _e Now:iglo_ own_d by me
Do you get it now! And the day before the party, I'm going to announce the answers!Bye!
Do you get it now! And the day before the party, I'm going to announce the answers!Bye!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Better Igloos and Pin!!!

The new Better Igloo Catalog came out today and here are the cheats:
1.Click on the fire on the Bamboo Torch;LCD TV
2.Click on the medieval banner:Penguin Knight Sculpure
3.Click on the first or third bush of the Poodle Plant
4.Click on the 2nd piece of corn on the garden:Picket Fence
And how do you like the catalog I love it! I already bought things! And the pin cheat is:
1.Go to the Beach
2Go to the Lighthouse
3.Go to the stairs
4.Go to the Watermellon pin!
Now you have the newest pin, the watermellon pin! And the last party clue:Something snowy and icey. Hint:I_ _ o_ ow_ _d b_ _e. the theme is the theme from the last party! Adventure! Bye!
~C-dog20~PS Club Penguin Cheats: 1.Smiles:e+1=laugh,e+2=smile,e+3=?idk,e+4=frown,e+5=shock,e+6=tounge,ez=pizza,H=Hello. More on sunday! Now bye!
Better Igloos,
Catalog Cheats,
Club Penguin Cheats,
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Music Jam!!!

The Music Jam is returning next month! I love the Music Jam! How about you? And not to long from now is the new pin and Better Igloos Catalog! I will post cheats! And congratulations again to Stinkyman 10! I liked your igloo,so I copied your igloo for 101 Days of Fun! And do you think the Music Jam will change a little? I hope so! Bye! For now!
Club Penguin 3 Month Membership!!!

There is a new amount of membership, 3 months of it! Offer ends July 15th? I guess they put that there for penguins on summer vacation! And Here are hits to my party clues!
#1:It's a server:nlsla
#2:It's a time:4 x 3=_+3=_
#3 It's a date:Look at italics
Look for the last one tomorrow! Just a quik post, bye!
Club Penguin Cheats,
Party Clues
Club Penguin Newspaper News!!!

The Club Penguin Newspaper is out today and congratulations to Blue Ise,Codemommy,Freeze The 1,Glaceon614,Han Solo 8,LouLou Emzee,Manaphy1997,Saska97,Stinkyman 10, and Ughabug for winning the Dojo Igloo Contest!! And 101 Days of Fun is Reading the winners for the igloo contest and recreate our favorite igloo! Cool! And the Upcoming events are:Igloo Music:June 26th, New Better Igloos Catalog:Tomorrow, DJ3K Update:June 26th and new pin is tomorrow! And they said they put the plats in storage, solves the mystery! The Box Dimension is the storage closet for the Club Penguin Parties!!!! And my power is out AGAIN!!!!!!!! I'm so mad! It went out from 10:00PM EST-Probably 6:00PM EST IT might come on! all day! Wow!!! And no picture today, later, yes! Bye!
~C-dog20~PS Party Clue #3:I'm on 24th Avenue at 6pm on Wednesday night.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Soccer Pitch and Box Dimension!!!

The soccer pitch is back!!! Do you like it more than the Ice Rink? I like the Ice Rink better because I love Hockey!!! And did you notice the plants in the Box Dimension? Those are the plants from the Adventure Party! You know what that means?! The Box Dimension is like the "storage closet" of the Club Penguin parties!!! Just think! The April Fools Party was the reason why they had that, but,the boxes! Maybe those were the boxes for the other parties! Maybe Club Penguin put them in there! Well, more uncracking the Mystery tomorrow! Bye!
More Club Penguin Cheats!!!

Here are some more cheats! But sorry for only posting one time yesterday, my power was out from 8:00PM EST-Around 11:50PM EST. But here are some cheats:
1.Turn off the Beacon light:All of you know this cheat, but do it by pressing the switch labeled "on" and "off" click the switch to turn it off.
2.Bonus on Bean Counters:Win the game by unloading all the 5 trucks and you will get a 60 coin bonus. Not a huge bonus!
3.Easy Surfing;Can be done by using different colored surfboards at the Cove(especially silver).
4.Stand Where You Shouldn't:(Where you would normally go to a new room.)Click on the place you want to stand on and then you open penguin mail until you walk there. Then you will be standing in a place that no one had stand before!
That's all for now. And the Adventure Party is done, and another party clue is: 4 Penguins In an igloo, 1 left and one entered.How Many penguinS are in an igloo if the problem is 4x3then +3? It's a math problem and do you get the capital letters. What could it mean? A message, or a mistake? Bye!
Adventure Party,
Club Penguin Cheats,
Off topic,
Party Clues,
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