After long hours of this:

The DJ3K Catalog is here!!!! Here it is:

The tracks are Festival,Funky, and Jungle! I like Funky the best, don't you? To get the catalog, go to the Night Club to here:

Or to here:

Then after you buy the tracks(it costs 75 coins! It's cheap!),you choose one track to play by this photo will show you:

I love DJ3K now!!! It's awesome! tell me if you like it or not! And I thought it would be fun to do my own days of fun! 23 Days of Fun! Day 1:Dance and make music the night away! Play DJ3K with playing each record at least one time and play Dance Contest and throw a dance party at your igloo!!! Sounds fun, huh? And don't for get two things:My party tomorrow and the records you but can be held as an accessery! Laterz!
~C-dog20~PS Click on photos to get a full view!
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