Here are some more Club Penguin cheats that will help you become an expert! Cheats:
1.Skip Astro Barrier levels:On the menu, click 1,2, or 3 and you will go to level 10,20, or 30!!! WOW! That's cool!
2.Make Club Penguin run faster:By pressing + or -. It will be great for those heavy parties like the Adventure Party tomorrow and laggy servers!
3.Catch the Mullet:By using a fish as bait at the end. When Mullet comes closer, you grab the las fish and you get a bonus 100 coins!
And those were all of today's cheats! And do you think some things will change in Fairy Fables tomorrow like the set or costumes? And I hope it will be nicer to pay off getting rid of The Haunting of the Viking Oprea!!! Bye!
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