OK,lots of business to do. New Adventure Party is today and it's awesome! And the scavenger hunt cheats are:
1.Go to the Underground Pool to the window,and click on the fish.
2.Go to the Cove to the two surfboards,and click on the curly flower.
3.Go to the Dock near the rock which is near the dock, and click on the shell then a turtle will pop up. Click on it.Isn't it cute???:)
4.Go to the Snow Forts near the sign saying "Super Pool", and click on the flowers.
5.Go to the Ice Burg and click on the sprout of water to get the whale.
6.Go the Plaza near the Pizza Parlor and on the top right corner of the screen,and click on the flowers.
7.Go to the Beach and click on the bubbles to get the jellyfish.
8.Go to the Forest near the twin waterfalls and click on the big flower.
And the prize would be an Adventure Party background.
There's only 1 catalog cheat for the stage! Here it is: On the top right corner of your screen on the first page with twee on it,click on the stereo.
Free Item cheats:Tropical Bird:Tree forts in the forest.(MEMBERS ONLY!)
Green Safari Hat:Plaza on the bottom left corner of the screen.
And how do you like the Adventure Party? Is it awesome? Or is it cool? I think it's both! And the new play,(old)Fairy Fables is out today and it's same old except that story! And now business is over. Bye!!!
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