Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Welcome Spanish!!!

Hello Penguins!

I know I should of posted this yesterday, but I was super busy! So, welcome Spanish! Here are some Spanish words that can be used on Club Penguin:

Hello! -¡Hola!
Welcome! - ¡Bienvenidos!
Congratulations! - ¡Felicitaciones!
Waddle on! - ¡A pingüinear!
You're cool! -¡Eres genial!

So now there's French,Portuguese,English, and the new, Spanish! And yesterday, I moved to Wordpress! So if you want to know of 23 Days of Fun activities, go to:


But the real site name is:


And scheduled and recent parties are also on my site! And also Club Penguin Cheats! So, I'm done posting Club Penguin Cheats on here, so if you want to see some, go to:


And happy July for tomorrow! But no picture yet, I'm on the laptop and the laptop doesn't have the 4th of July Picture! But on Independence Day, I can't post to much, in fact, I might post because I'm going swimming all day, but I might post 1 in the morning if I get a chance, but if I don't, I will post next Sunday! Laterz!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sensei Update!!!

Hello Penguins!

This is another Sensei update!!! I want to hear your guyz guesses of what Sensei will give to people when he meets you! I guess another background with him behind it with his autograph at the Ninja Hideout. Or maybe it could be his hat and beard and his color! That would be nice!!! So be ready for Sensei on July 3 through the 5th! And my new blog is about sports. My new blog is called c-dog20sportpage.blogspot.com and I didn't make new posts yet! Laterz!


Finally A Party!!!

I finally had my party last night! It started at 10:10 pm est and ended at 10:21 pm est! Since the party went great, here's another party at:

Date:Tuesday July 7th,2009
Time:6:45 pm est
Place:My Igloo still
Server:Big Foot

And since it's Independence Day week in America, I'm going to have 4th of July pictures on my posts, well one picture which is my cousin's,T-dog! And how's DJ3K going with ya guyz? Is it fun? I think it is fun! Is it cool? Or you don't like it? So, see ya later!and Go to clubpenguingang.com once again to mimo!


Saturday, June 27, 2009

More Party Info and Club Penguin Cheats!!!

OK, I'm allowed on the computer again and I am going to ride bikes, so in case I'm not online at 6:00 PM EST,I will make up the party at:

Time:7:25 pm est
Server:Ice Box
Place:My Igloo still!

And be sure to go to clubpenguingang.com to Mimo! Mimo already has over 2,000 comments on his post on the idea contest! I commented twice! And one Club Penguin Cheat! It is:

1.Talk while reading the newspaper:Log on to Club Penguin and go on the newspaper and click on "We need You!". Then click on the "questions" category and submit your question but don't type a question! Then on the top left corner of the newspaper, click on "main" that will take you to the main page. Then click "Tab" and type something and you will be talking while reading the newspaper!! But I forgot to mention that to see yourself talking, you have to go to the far left or right side of the room!

Laterz!!!! And see you at 6:00 or 7:25!!!

~C-dog20~PS Day 2 of 23 Days of Fun:Buy a Tree House igloo and make it a perfect hideout!!!

Party Update!!!

OK, I'm going to be kicked off the computer from 12:00 noon-5:00 PM EST! So, I'm going to cancel the party again, and make it up at:

Place:My igloo
Time:6:00 PM EST

OK and a new cheat is about puffles! I forgot to mention that yellow puffles can now play DJ3K! Because of that, I bought all the puffles!!! And I think I know why Yellow Puffles want to play DJ3K! Because DJ3K is art of making music! And Yellow Puffles love art!!! Is it true?Laterz!


Friday, June 26, 2009

DJ3K Catalog Is Here!!!

After long hours of this:

The DJ3K Catalog is here!!!! Here it is:

The tracks are Festival,Funky, and Jungle! I like Funky the best, don't you? To get the catalog, go to the Night Club to here:
Or to here:

Then after you buy the tracks(it costs 75 coins! It's cheap!),you choose one track to play by this photo will show you:Check SpellingI love DJ3K now!!! It's awesome! tell me if you like it or not! And I thought it would be fun to do my own days of fun! 23 Days of Fun! Day 1:Dance and make music the night away! Play DJ3K with playing each record at least one time and play Dance Contest and throw a dance party at your igloo!!! Sounds fun, huh? And don't for get two things:My party tomorrow and the records you but can be held as an accessery! Laterz!

~C-dog20~PS Click on photos to get a full view!

Igloo Upgrades,DJ3K,and Music today!!!! YAY!!!

The Igloo Upgrades are out today followed by DJ3K Music and Igloo Music! Here are the Igloo cheats:

1.Go to your igloo
2.Click on the "ruler"icon on the lower right corner of the screen
3.Click on the igloo icon
4.Go on page to on the Igloo Upgrades
5.Click on the crow bar on the upper right corner

NOW YOU HAVE THE SECRET STONE IGLOO! That's not a secret anymore!!Lolz!

1.Go on Page 7
2.Click on all 4 words that say"CANDY"


1.Go on Page 8
2.Click on the door on the Snow Deluxe Igloo

NOW YOU HAVE THE SECRET STONE DELUXE IGLOO!! Which is not a secret anymore!!!!

And don't forget to check out the DJ3K Music and Igloo Music!!! Laterz!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Igloo Upgrades Tomorrow!!!WOOT!!!!

The new igloo upgrades catalog is coming out tomorrow!!! So I want you guyz to guess what the igloo or carpet would look like! I guess the igloo will be a Waterfall Igloo! And the carpet would be a rock carpet!!!!! So before tomorrow, I want to hear guesses! And this is also followed by DJ3K Music and Igloo Music! And today,I forgot the 101 Days of Fun! It is to turn light blue and dance at the ice burg to make it look like it's sinking and water is coming upon the ice burg! Phunnies!!!!
And cool! Laterz! and go to www.clubpenguingang.com to mimo!!!!!!!!laterz!


Winners and Party!!!

The winners of the igloo contest have been chosen by me!!!! here are the winners and runner ups!!

Tacky Forest
Runner Ups:Callex12

Those were the winners and runner ups and I had to miss my party again because I was off the computer for 5 hours so make up is on Saturday June 27 at 12:00 PM EST on the Server Mammoth at my igloo! Laterz for now!!!

~C-dog20~PS Go to clubpenguingang.com to Mimo!!!!!

New Newspaper! And WOOT to Sensei!!!!

The new newspaper is out today and Sensei is coming to the Ninja Hideout through July 3-5! And the Up coming events:

July 3-5: Sensei to Ninja Hideout!!!! WOOT!!!!! And looks like CP made a mistake about the pin! it's not shaped like a watermellon!!!! It's shaped like a lantern!!!!And I also forgot that Ruby and the Ruby is on July 10th!!! I love that play! It came like 3 days or something before my birthday last year!!! What I nice birthday present!!!!! Ha ha!! lolz! Laterz but I will post something on T-dog's blog later and post cheats on here and there! now laterz! and see you at the party today!!!!

~C-dog20~ps Click on picture for full size image!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Party Update and a treat!

OK, sorry for no party, I was swimming around 3:00! So make up is:

Time:2:00 pm est
Place:My igloo
Server:Ice Box

And here's a treat, a new CP Army! I made it up! It's called "Fire Army of Club Penguin(FACP)!

Uniforms:Red Sailor Cap,Red Hockey Jersey,Black and White checkered shoes,Red Cape(from Fairy Fables),Black Sunglasses(secret agent),and the color red! If you dont have those,wear red or green.
To join:It's simple! Just comment your Club Penguin name! Ranks:Leader,General,Soldier,Gold,Silver,and Newbie!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mod News!

WOW Guys! your commenting like crazy! And Tim4776 is already an "awesome mod". And good guesses on the room post and Tim4776,my cousin did drew that picture, how did you know! laterz!

~C-dog20~PS I make it simple to move up to higher mods! thats C-dog20 alright!

More info on upcoming Events!

When T-dog posted about new rooms, I wanted to give it more info! Look at this:This is the picture from Billybob,the first is like a volcanic mountain or something! I guess thats the new room location! The second is for Ruby and the Ruby and the last is a surprise guest at the Music Jam...THE PENGUIN BAND!!!!!! But about the first picture,its around the dojo area! Bye!Laterz!

~C-dog20~PS Remember to go to clubpenguingang.com to Mimo!!!!!!!!!!!!

New rooms!!!

There will be new rooms coming to clubpenguin! So be ready!!! I want to hear guesses from you guys about what each room will look like. I think it will be another play?!

I would like for you to meet T-dog!

T-dog is now posting with me! So sometimes, she will post and i will post! and here are 1 cheats!well cheat! here:

1.Easy sledding:simple guyz! after moving away from a log, go to the middle, thats it guyz!

And here are answers to my party clues so you can be there tomorrow! Place:my igloo,Time:3PM EST,server:Northern lights and Southern lights or Auroa or something! date,tomorrow! And go to clubpeguingang.com to comment an idea that club penguin should have! so go there!!!! and help Mimo777!!!!! Bye!

~C-dog20~PS Igloo contest on thursday and i will judge by surprise and pick 10 winners and 5 runner ups! the prize is to get your ne=ame on this site! Bye! laterz!


Hello all! I just want to ask you a question... what was your favorite party in clubpenguin and how long have you been a member since? Ive been a member since 2007, and my favorite party since ive been a member has to probably be the Water Party!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

I'm Back!

I'm back from very busy moments! I'm sorry for not posting a lot but I was SUPER busy guyz! And to late for upcoming events, but till telling you! New rooms! It is exciting! And new play coming soon, but long soon,Ruby and the Ruby! That's my favorite play! And new clothing wigs and furniture! Game Up Grades and the "MASSIVE Music festival" is obviously the Music Jam! So that's all guyz! Laterz!


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sorry For No Cheats Again!

I couldn't post cheats yesterday because I had to go for a wedding all day! So cheats tomorrow, OK? And one more hint for the last party clue:Before:i_ _o_ ow_ _db_ _e Now:iglo_ own_d by me
Do you get it now! And the day before the party, I'm going to announce the answers!Bye!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Better Igloos and Pin!!!

The new Better Igloo Catalog came out today and here are the cheats:

1.Click on the fire on the Bamboo Torch;LCD TV
2.Click on the medieval banner:Penguin Knight Sculpure
3.Click on the first or third bush of the Poodle Plant
4.Click on the 2nd piece of corn on the garden:Picket Fence

And how do you like the catalog I love it! I already bought things! And the pin cheat is:

1.Go to the Beach
2Go to the Lighthouse
3.Go to the stairs
4.Go to the Watermellon pin!

Now you have the newest pin, the watermellon pin! And the last party clue:Something snowy and icey. Hint:I_ _ o_ ow_ _d b_ _e. the theme is the theme from the last party! Adventure! Bye!

~C-dog20~PS Club Penguin Cheats: 1.Smiles:e+1=laugh,e+2=smile,e+3=?idk,e+4=frown,e+5=shock,e+6=tounge,ez=pizza,H=Hello. More on sunday! Now bye!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Music Jam!!!

The Music Jam is returning next month! I love the Music Jam! How about you? And not to long from now is the new pin and Better Igloos Catalog! I will post cheats! And congratulations again to Stinkyman 10! I liked your igloo,so I copied your igloo for 101 Days of Fun! And do you think the Music Jam will change a little? I hope so! Bye! For now!


Club Penguin 3 Month Membership!!!

There is a new amount of membership, 3 months of it! Offer ends July 15th? I guess they put that there for penguins on summer vacation! And Here are hits to my party clues!

#1:It's a server:nlsla
#2:It's a time:4 x 3=_+3=_
#3 It's a date:Look at italics

Look for the last one tomorrow! Just a quik post, bye!


Club Penguin Newspaper News!!!

The Club Penguin Newspaper is out today and congratulations to Blue Ise,Codemommy,Freeze The 1,Glaceon614,Han Solo 8,LouLou Emzee,Manaphy1997,Saska97,Stinkyman 10, and Ughabug for winning the Dojo Igloo Contest!! And 101 Days of Fun is Reading the winners for the igloo contest and recreate our favorite igloo! Cool! And the Upcoming events are:Igloo Music:June 26th, New Better Igloos Catalog:Tomorrow, DJ3K Update:June 26th and new pin is tomorrow! And they said they put the plats in storage, solves the mystery! The Box Dimension is the storage closet for the Club Penguin Parties!!!! And my power is out AGAIN!!!!!!!! I'm so mad! It went out from 10:00PM EST-Probably 6:00PM EST IT might come on! all day! Wow!!! And no picture today, later, yes! Bye!

~C-dog20~PS Party Clue #3:I'm on 24th Avenue at 6pm on Wednesday night.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Soccer Pitch and Box Dimension!!!

The soccer pitch is back!!! Do you like it more than the Ice Rink? I like the Ice Rink better because I love Hockey!!! And did you notice the plants in the Box Dimension? Those are the plants from the Adventure Party! You know what that means?! The Box Dimension is like the "storage closet" of the Club Penguin parties!!! Just think! The April Fools Party was the reason why they had that, but,the boxes! Maybe those were the boxes for the other parties! Maybe Club Penguin put them in there! Well, more uncracking the Mystery tomorrow! Bye!


More Club Penguin Cheats!!!

Here are some more cheats! But sorry for only posting one time yesterday, my power was out from 8:00PM EST-Around 11:50PM EST. But here are some cheats:

1.Turn off the Beacon light:All of you know this cheat, but do it by pressing the switch labeled "on" and "off" click the switch to turn it off.
2.Bonus on Bean Counters:
Win the game by unloading all the 5 trucks and you will get a 60 coin bonus. Not a huge bonus!
3.Easy Surfing;Can be done by using different colored surfboards at the Cove(especially silver).
4.Stand Where You Shouldn't:(Where you would normally go to a new room.)Click on the place you want to stand on and then you open penguin mail until you walk there. Then you will be standing in a place that no one had stand before!

That's all for now. And the Adventure Party is done, and another party clue is: 4 Penguins In an igloo, 1 left and one entered.How Many penguinS are in an igloo if the problem is 4x3then +3? It's a math problem and do you get the capital letters. What could it mean? A message, or a mistake? Bye!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Last Chance for Adventure Partying!!!

Today is your last chance to see the Adventure Party! What's you favorite place and part of the Adventure Party? I hope your liking it and of course I forget my parties! I guess I wasn't lying! But now, I'm doing clues! First clue: Lights you see in the sky on the Northern and Southern hemispheres are called _________ ,________ or______. Do you know what that is? If your helping someone with this,tell them it's a server,time,date,or place,OK? Have fun with the Adventure Party and figuring out the clues! Hint:It's not a time or date. Is it a server, or is it a place? And I'm giving you options, wait, I already did! 3 choices! Decide! Bye!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Club Penguin Cheats!!!

Here are some Club Penguin Cheats!!! Cheats;But drum roll please! BA DUM DUM BA BA DUM DUM BA CRASH CRASH:Ha ha!:

1.Get an easy life on Astro Barrier :Can be done by on level 7 when they're telling you about a life. Shoot the blue barrier for an easy life!
2.Free Item Cheats:Friendship Bracelet:Book Room at the end of the book,"Rockhopper and the Stowaway".Pirate Key:Book Room at the end of Rockhopper's journal. That's all.
3.Fast Snowballs:By holding down "T" and left click on your mouse relentlessly! Those will be fast snowballs!
4.Snowballs from an invisible penguin:Press "T" and left click and walk away. You will see a snowball from an invisible penguin!

That's all until Wednesday! And the 101 Days of Fun for today is playing Jet Pack Adventure and complete the course without collecting a single coin and you will get a huge bonus at the end! I tried, but on the first level I got 1 coin because of my fuel! So, you try, and tell me what's at the end unless if it's still 1000coin bonus,OK?! Settled and bye!

~C-dog20~PS Picture change because I can't find the Sunset picture, and the picture is for 4th of July!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sorry For No Cheats!!

I'm sorry for not posting cheats. The laptop was gone and my computer is a piece of crap!!! Or garbage, I should say! So, here are cheats even though it's an even day:

1.Expert Levels on Astro Barrier:Can be done by waiting 30 seconds between levels 30 and 31 until a blue ship shows up. Shoot it, and you will go to the expert levels. Also do it between levels 10 and 11 or is it 9 - 10.

I will post more tomorrow and the Penguins are going to have a parade tomorrow at noon,OK? And my party i son Tuesday at my igloo on Mammoth or Ice Box at noon. And my igloo Is Crosbycody87's, my user name is Crosbycody87, not C-dog20,that's my nick name. And that's when the Adventure Party ends, tuesday! Have fun at it and bye!

~C-dog20~PS They should sing the Pens version of Boom Boom Pow at the parade!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Penguins are Stanley Cup Champoins!!!(and still more!)

More off topic because the Pittsburgh Penguins won their 3 Stanley Cup!!! Fluery must of been the hero after making 2 awesome saves that sealed a Stanley Cup win for the Pens, but Malkin won the Conn Smythe trophy, and Crosby was the youngest captain to win the Stanley Cup!!! After the game, a huge celebration in Joe Louis Arena and in Pittsburgh. Since where I live is near Pittsburgh, I heard the fireworks from Pittsburgh! The final score:Pittsburgh Penguins 2 vs. Detroit Red Wings 1.

And I hope your igloos are ninjafied!!! Because the Dojo Igloo Contest ended today! And also cheats are later!! Bye! PS Maybe after the game on the radio, they should of been playing the Pens version of Boom Boom Pow! That would of been great!!!


Friday, June 12, 2009

Pin Winner!!!(and still more!)

Well, Club Penguin announced the winning pin is:


I was happy!! I wanted pin b to win!! And I wonder where it would be? I guess the Cove. Whats your guess. And you better get working with your igloo! Because the Dojo Igloo Contest ends tomorrow! Good Luck!

And also:This is off topic on Club Penguin and this is about hockey! The Penguins play in Game 7 in the Stanley Cup vs. Detroit Red Wings! I want the Pens to win! And today on the way to my house, there was a different tune of the song "Boom Boom Pow" and they changed to the Pens!! It was like:Gotta get that,gotta get that, gotta get that,gotta geeeeeet that that that that. Boom Boom Pow, Boom Boom Pow(saying Boom Boom Pow a lot)Gotta get that Stanley Cup, Stanley Cup and a lot of those stuff! Boom Boom Pow is my 2nd favorite song!Bye!

~C-dog20~ P.S. Boom Boom Pow is my favorite song and Where it's at is my 2nd favorite,OK? p.s.s Pens Boom Boom Pow goes gotta geeeeeeeet that that that that Stanley Cup,Stanley Cup and so on kinda!

Adventure Party and more!!!

OK,lots of business to do. New Adventure Party is today and it's awesome! And the scavenger hunt cheats are:

1.Go to the Underground Pool to the window,and click on the fish.
2.Go to the Cove to the two surfboards,and click on the curly flower.
3.Go to the Dock near the rock which is near the dock, and click on the shell then a turtle will pop up. Click on it.Isn't it cute???:)
4.Go to the Snow Forts near the sign saying "Super Pool", and click on the flowers.
5.Go to the Ice Burg and click on the sprout of water to get the whale.
6.Go the Plaza near the Pizza Parlor and on the top right corner of the screen,and click on the flowers.
7.Go to the Beach and click on the bubbles to get the jellyfish.
8.Go to the Forest near the twin waterfalls and click on the big flower.

And the prize would be an Adventure Party background.

There's only 1 catalog cheat for the stage! Here it is: On the top right corner of your screen on the first page with twee on it,click on the stereo.

Free Item cheats:Tropical Bird:Tree forts in the forest.(MEMBERS ONLY!)
Green Safari Hat:Plaza on the bottom left corner of the screen.

And how do you like the Adventure Party? Is it awesome? Or is it cool? I think it's both! And the new play,(old)Fairy Fables is out today and it's same old except that story! And now business is over. Bye!!!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

How is the Adventure Party going to look like?

So, what do you think the Adventure Party will look like? You know it has wildlife and ancient ruins, but what are the other two things? I think the ancient ruins will be underground! And do you think the "wildlife" will have animals ,too? And what are the free items going to be too? Can you answer that for tomorrows awesome Adventure Party? Bye!


More Club Penguin cheats and more!!!

Here are some more Club Penguin cheats that will help you become an expert! Cheats:

1.Skip Astro Barrier levels:On the menu, click 1,2, or 3 and you will go to level 10,20, or 30!!! WOW! That's cool!
2.Make Club Penguin run faster:By pressing + or -. It will be great for those heavy parties like the Adventure Party tomorrow and laggy servers!
3.Catch the Mullet:By using a fish as bait at the end. When Mullet comes closer, you grab the las fish and you get a bonus 100 coins!

And those were all of today's cheats! And do you think some things will change in Fairy Fables tomorrow like the set or costumes? And I hope it will be nicer to pay off getting rid of The Haunting of the Viking Oprea!!! Bye!


Newspaper news and 101 Days of fun!!!(and more)

A new newspaper has gone out to today! And Day 8 of 101 Days of Fun is doing something different today,reading the newspaper backwards! Crazy! Like:backwards newspaper the read to us wants Penguin Club! Luck good! Can you read that? And tomorrow is the Adventure Party! It's going to be sweet!!! And more upcoming events are: June 18th,Dojo Igloo contest winners announced!!!, June 19th,Better Igloos Catalog!!! And that's it, but the new pin is coming on June 19th or 18th! You better find the other pin! And it's a safari hat in the book room!!! And 1 cheat now, and 3 later! Cheat:

1.Hidden place in Aqua Grabber:To get there, play Soda Seas and when you pick up the 3rd(I think)cream soda,go up and you will find Mullet. Try to get through him and go up for air, then go down and you will find this place with coins in it! Pick it up because a crab is down there and he has to be a cheap crab like Mr. Krabs in Spongebob Squarepants! And I can't get the song off of my head!!!

And one event forgotten for me! New play on June 12th tomorrow! But it's Fairy Fables! I like Haunting of the Viking Oprea!! And name 3 reasons why you like it! Mine is:

1.The music(I love it!!!)
2.The costumes
3.The set

Well, now I will stop talking until later and I'm talking a lot again! Good Night and morning America and other countries out there that is in morning while USA is at night at 12:37! Bye!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Choose A Summer Pin!!!

Club Penguin wants us to choose a summer pin! Pin A,a flower. I don't want that! There's already a flower pin! Pin B,an umbrella, It reminds me about the beach! I want to vote for that! And Pin C,a pale! To vote, type this:http://community.clubpenguin.com/blog/2009/06/you-decide-pick-a-summer-pin.php Or go to Club penguin.com to community! And I really want umbrella to win! Vote it! And bye!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

4 Club Penguin Cheats!!

This is my first 4 Club Penguin cheats that will help you become a CP expert! I will post Club Penguin cheats every day that's an odd number until I run out of cheats! The next cheats will come on June 11th after this. Here are the cheats:

1.Puffles in games:Red Puffles:Catchin' Waves, Purple Puffles:Dance Contest, and Pink puffles:Aqua Grabber
2.Dessert mode on Pizzatron:On the start menu, pull the red lever and start the game. You can make dessert pizzas with sprinkles,choclate,frosting,jelly beans,marshmallows,and licorash. I think I missed some,though.
3.1000 Coin bonus on Jet pack Adventure:Play Jet pack without collecting a single coin and run out of gas before you go on the landing pad!
4.Easy win on Aqua Grabber:Walk your pink puffle to the Ice Burg and play Aqau Grabber. Every time your about to lose a life, your pink puffle will come and blow a bubble to give you air and win easily!

Those are all the cheats I will give you until June 11th! I hope you become a "small smart penguin". And that's a rate. As I go with the cheats, I will give you a rate like now! Bye!


Monday, June 8, 2009

Party Details!!

Hello! And I wan to tell you about the parties I mentioned on my blog is Club Penguin parties that I will have! I will tell you every single bit of detail that you need to know! Here is my first one: Place: My igloo,Crosbycody87's igloo Time: Noon Date:June 16 Server: Mammoth or Ice Box. And that's it! Wait! I forgot something! The theme! The theme is summer, okay? Make sure you show up with summer stuff from the catalog!!! Penguin style to be specific!!! bye, see ya at June 16th!!


Day 5 of 101 days of fun and hello!!!!

Hello people!! I'm C-dog20!! And I want you to know the Day 5 of 101 days of fun!!! It is: Make a big fish wish!!! Go Ice Fishing by entering the door at the Ski Lodge. Try to catch the big fish! Hint: It doesn't like worms! But I don't know how to get web images, so I will do sunsets and stuff in my posts! But you can tell me how to upload web images! Bye!
