Monday, July 20, 2009

Vote Color soon and Party extend!

The vote color thing is comin' and the colors are: Lavender,Maroon,and Aqua. I think Aqua will win. One blog had a poll about the colors and Aqua won. I would vote Aqua too. And speaking of voting, the Splatter won a long time ago! Yay! And the party "extend" I'm talking about is my Music Jam! It didn't go well, so I'm improving it and the new Music Jam will be on Thursday July 23,2009 at 6:00 pm est on Snow Angel! And it will go on until July 28th! The party is now July 23-28! And the play Club Penguin is not ready! I got the code from the Panic Button Blog and I'm happy for them! The Panic Button Blog is really funny! In fact, I might post funny pics from my lolz on cheezburger! For now, bye!


1 comment:

Candy62 said...

nice C-dog! i want aqua to win too! and i will post for you today, ok? is there anything i can post?